Trading Strategy Using Andrews Pitchfork Tool for Forex

  • By Author

  • July 24, 2018
  • 12:47 am BST

Trading Strategy Using Andrews Pitchfork Tool for Forex, CFD’s and cryptocurrencies 

By Aleksandar Ivanovic


Trading strategy using Andrews Pitchfork tool for Forex, CFD’s and cryptocurrencies is a strong and clear book written by a trader with experience in the field. Aleksandar Ivanovic is able to explain the Andrews Pitchfork tool without either oversimplifying or complicating the concept, which means that the reader can easily convert the insights into actions.


Trading techniques aren’t always the simplest of ideas, and they can easily overwhelm a new trader. However, this book by Aleksandar Ivanovic is a great attempt at breaking down and explaining one of them in a clear and actionable manner.

By providing both a theoretical and a pragmatic explanation of the Andrews Pitchfork tool, Ivanovic is able to leave readers with a strong understanding of how it works in principle as well as in the moment of the trade.

Ivanovic is an experienced trader with several years in the profession, so he’s able to provide personal insights into how the Andrews Pitchfork tool can turn a trader’s fortunes around.

Remember, this book is aimed at traders who are at a relatively advanced stage of their trading career: new traders who are still looking to work out the basics of the trading world might be best placed getting some extra prior knowledge before plunging into complex advice like this.

As the author makes clear, the Andrews Pitchfork method isn’t the most basic trading tool, and it’s also not one that tends to be tried first. As a result, it may well be worth the reader familiarizing themselves with the more basic indicators, such as chart patterns and lines, before working with this book.


Format: Kindle Edition

File Size: 3429.0 KB

Print Length: 23 pages

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

Language: English