Trading Strategy: Fractal Corridors on the Futures, CFD and Forex Markets

  • By Author

  • July 24, 2018
  • 1:11 am BST

Trading Strategy: Fractal Corridors on the Futures, CFD and Forex Markets, Four Basic ST Patterns, 800% or More in Two Month 

By Vladimir Poltoratskiy


Successful trading relies on judiciously chosen technical indicators, and the fractal corridor is one option. In his book, Vladimir Poltoratskiy explains what the fractal corridor is, how he integrates the insights that it generates into his trading strategy, and how the signals that it can create can be used to inform the reader’s trading decisions.


Vladimir Poltoratskiy’s book explains clearly how to make the most of the fractal corridor system for trading. The system is somewhat unusual compared to other strategies given that it doesn’t aim to predict market outcomes, but Poltoratskiy explains this with clarity and good theoretical sense.

It looks at specific applications of this kind of trading mode, including what the Structural Target Patterns Strategy is and how it can be used. Poltoratskiy has based the book on his own trading experience, and it’s the end result of several years of practical application, so it’s ideal for those who want to take advantage of experience and expertise. The insights in this book are designed for a range of markets, so it’s versatile as well as informative.

This is a book that focuses on an advanced trading technique. Though it’s a precise and informative book for those who are interested in what the fractal corridor can offer, it’s not designed to be used by those who are completely new to the world of trading – and it does rely on some prior knowledge.

Traders who already have a sound knowledge of concepts such as breakdown levels and turn levels are likely to find some value in this well-explained and detailed book.


Format: Kindle Edition

Length: 61 pages, 3336 KB file size

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

Language: English