Forex Made Simple

  • By Author

  • August 6, 2018
  • 7:34 pm BST

Forex Made Simple: A Step-By-Step Day Trading Strategy for Making 100 to 200 per Day

By Alpha Blade


As a specialist price action theory book, this is the sort of work that is ideal for experienced traders who have researched the options on offer and decided that they’d like to specialize in methods which avoid all the typical technical indicators, such as support/resistance analysis. It’s a concise book with little waffle, so it’s useful for people who are pushed for time.


When it comes to locating the best foreign exchange trading technique, there are various competing schools of thought. Some swear, for example, by technical indicators, while others are more likely to focus on price action.

Blade’s book falls firmly in the latter camp. It specifically avoids many of the major technical indicators, such as Fibonacci retracements, Bollinger bands and candlestick patterns. It encourages traders to avoid relying on these, and instead suggests ways of using price action theory when making trades.

All books in the forex trading sphere, of course, take their own view on what the best strategy is, and this book is no exception. Its insistence on avoiding these sorts of techniques, however, does make it less likely to be suitable for a new trader: those who are inexperienced may be better off learning about all of the available techniques before deciding to specialize one way or the other.

At 33 pages, this resource can deliver the information you need in a succinct and concise manner, and it’s the sort of book that can be easily read on the go. It’s worth noting that in order to get the most out of this book you will need to download the MetaTrader 4 platform. This is, however, free of charge.


Format: Kindle Edition

Length: 33 pages, 2916 KB

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

Language: English