Exchange Currency and Generate Profit in Just 24 Hours

  • By Luke Andresen

  • September 3, 2018
  • 8:56 pm BST

Forex: Exchange Currency and Generate Profit in Just 24 Hours

By Eric Alton


Eric Alton knows what he’s talking about, so it’s no surprise that his book is jam-packed with relevant and informative insights about international forex markets. It’s a great mix of strategy and information, and there are few traders that it won’t benefit. This forex book review will discuss Alton’s insights, and touch on why it’s important to keep an open mind when reading it, too.


There’s a lot to take in with regards to this offering from Eric Alton. In the book, he imparts a lot of knowledge. Most of this knowledge is useful for forex traders both new and even intermediate, although perhaps not for those advanced traders who are already fully established. He also shares a variety of skills and strategies, so there are plenty of good takeaways which a trader can later apply in their trading career.

The book takes up 83 pages, which makes it a good choice for those who want a good balance between detail and accessibility. Alton also offers some peace of mind to his readers by promising a money-back guarantee within 30 days to those who want it, so provided this pledge is honored then there’s no need to worry about feeling dissatisfied afterwards.

It’s important to remember that despite what Alton promises in his title, there are no guarantees when it comes to forex trading. The chances that the trader will make cash within 24 hours of starting their career are quite slim. That doesn’t mean this book doesn’t have any value, of course. It simply means that taking the claims made with a pinch of salt is essential.


Format: Kindle Edition

Print Length: 83 pages, 1851 KB

Source ISBN: 1535292342

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.