Forex: A Powerful MT4 Trading Robot to Maximize Profits

  • By Author

  • August 7, 2018
  • 12:06 am BST

Forex: A Powerful MT4 Trading Robot to Maximize Profits (Expert Advisor EA, algorithmic trading, black-box trading, trading system, automated trading)

By Michelle Michaels


Trading robots are all the rage these days, and Michelle Michaels understands them well. Her new book is focused entirely around how one of the robots in the range currently available can help those involved in forex to scale their business to the next level, and she also provides a wide range of advice on everything from what to think about when investing in a robot to how to get started using it.


Michelle Michaels’ latest book focuses on one of the biggest trading innovations of modern times: the trading robot. She starts at the beginning by explaining just what a software package like this can do, and she goes on to advise traders on how to go about acquiring one and how they can set up her preferred type.

In the book, Michaels also makes sure that new traders who don’t yet have a rigorous understanding of the profession aren’t left with a false impression about how her techniques work. She is realistic in her portrayal of the trading world and takes care to point out that trading, and this system, in particular, are not a magical route to wild success and high profits. That means this book is suitable for those without a lot of knowledge of how trading works.

It’s worth noting, however, that the book isn’t really intended to be an introductory text, as it’s about something quite specific. It relies on a bit of prior knowledge about how the trading world works, so new traders should perhaps consider one of the author’s other books – such as Forex – A Beginner’s Guide to Currency Trading – before deciding to press ahead with this one.


Format: Kindle Edition

Length: 30 pages, 241 KB

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

Language: English